paramÄnanda purÄ« tabe calilÄ nÄ«lÄcale
mahÄprabhu cali cali ÄilÄ Å›rÄ«-Å›aile

 paramÄnanda purÄ« - ParamÄnanda PurÄ«; tabe - then; calilÄ nÄ«lÄcale - departed for JagannÄtha PurÄ«; mahÄprabhu - ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; cali cali - walking; ÄilÄ - came; Å›rÄ«-Å›aile - to ÅšrÄ« Åšaila.


Thus ParamÄnanda PurÄ« started for JagannÄtha PurÄ«, and ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu began walking toward ÅšrÄ« Åšaila.


ÅšrÄ«la BhaktisiddhÄnta SarasvatÄ« ṬhÄkura remarks, “Which ÅšrÄ« Åšaila is being indicated by KṛṣṇadÄsa KavirÄja GosvÄmÄ« is not clearly understood. There is no temple of MallikÄrjuna in this area because the ÅšrÄ« Åšaila located in the district of DhÄrwÄd cannot possibly be there. That ÅšrÄ« Åšaila is on the southern side of Belgaum, and the Åšiva temple of MallikÄrjuna is located there. (Refer to text 15 of this chapter.) It is said that on that hill Lord Åšiva lived with DevÄ«. Also, Lord BrahmÄ lived there with all the demigods.â€