Å›uniyÄ prabhura vÄṇī mane vicÄraya
prabhu-sane ati haá¹­ha kabhu bhÄla naya

 Å›uniyÄ - hearing; prabhura - of Lord ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; vÄṇī - the words; mane - in their minds; vicÄraya - considered; prabhu-sane - with Lord Caitanya MahÄprabhu; ati - very much; haá¹­ha - tricks; kabhu - at any time; bhÄla naya - is not very good.


When SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya and RÄmÄnanda RÄya heard these words, they began to consider that it was not at all good that they had played so many tricks on the Lord.
