patra pÄÃ±Ä viprera haila Änandita mana
prabhura caraṇe dhari' karaye krandana

 patra pÄÃ±Ä - getting the leaves; viprera - of the brÄhmaṇa; haila - there was; Änandita - pleased; mana - mind; prabhura caraṇe - the lotus feet of Lord ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; dhari' - taking; karaye - does; krandana - crying.


RÄmadÄsa Vipra was very pleased to receive the original leaf manuscript of the KÅ«rma PurÄṇa, and he immediately fell down before the lotus feet of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu and began to cry.
