tomÄra sammukhe dekhi kÄñcana-pañcÄlikÄ
tÄá¹…ra gaura-kÄntye tomÄra sarva aá¹…ga á¸hÄkÄ

 tomÄra - of You; sammukhe - in front; dekhi - I see; kÄñcana-pañcÄlikÄ - a doll made of gold; tÄá¹…ra - of it; gaura-kÄntye - by a golden complexion; tomÄra - Your; sarva - all; aá¹…ga - body; á¸hÄkÄ - covering.


“I now see You appearing like a golden doll, and Your entire body appears covered by a golden luster.


ÅšyÄmasundara is blackish, but here RÄmÄnanda RÄya says that he saw ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu appear golden. The lustrous body of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu was covered by the bodily complexion of ÅšrÄ«matÄ« RÄdhÄrÄṇī.