tÄra pÄÅ›e ruá¹­i-rÄÅ›ira parvata ha-ila
sÅ«pa-Ädi-vyañjana-bhÄṇá¸a caudike dharila

 tÄra pÄÅ›e - around the stack of rice; ruá¹­i - of chapatis; rÄÅ›ira - of stacks; parvata - another small hill; ha-ila - became; sÅ«pa-Ädi - of all liquid vegetables; vyañjana - and of all other vegetables; bhÄṇá¸a - pots; caudike - all around; dharila - were placed.


Around the stack of cooked rice were stacks of chapatis, and all the vegetables and liquid vegetable preparations were placed in different pots and put around them.
