ghÄá¹­Ä«-dÄnÄ« chÄá¸Äite rÄja-pÄtra dvÄre
rÄja-lekhÄ kari' dila purÄ«-gosÄñira kare

 ghÄá¹­Ä«-dÄnÄ« - from the toll collectors; chÄá¸Äite - to get release; rÄja-pÄtra - papers showing governmental sanction; dvÄre - at the gates; rÄja-lekhÄ - governmental permission; kari' - showing; dila - delivered; purÄ«-gosÄñira - of PurÄ« GosÄñi, MÄdhavendra PurÄ«; kare - into the hand.


To get past the toll collectors along the way, MÄdhavendra PurÄ« was supplied with the necessary release papers from government officers. The papers were placed in his hand.
