hena-kÄle vipra Äsi' karila nimantraṇa
aneka dainyÄdi kari' dharila caraṇa

 hena-kÄle - at this time; vipra - the Maharashtriyan brÄhmaṇa; Äsi' - coming; karila nimantraṇa - invited ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; aneka - various; dainya-Ädi - submissions; kari' - doing; dharila caraṇa - touched His lotus feet.


While ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu was seriously considering meeting with the MÄyÄvÄdÄ« sannyÄsÄ«s, the Maharashtriyan brÄhmaṇa approached Him and extended an invitation. The brÄhmaṇa submitted his invitation with great humility, and he touched the lotus feet of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu.
