sei vastra sanÄtana nÄ kaila aá¹…gÄ«kÄra
Å›uniyÄ prabhura mane Änanda apÄra

 sei vastra - that new dress; sanÄtana - SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«; nÄ kaila - did not; aá¹…gÄ«kÄra - accept; Å›uniyÄ - hearing; prabhura - of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; mane - in the mind; Änanda apÄra - unlimited happiness.


CandraÅ›ekhara offered a new set of garments to SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«, but SanÄtana did not accept them. When ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu heard news of this, He became unlimitedly happy.
