Å›ivÄnanda-sena kare saba samÄdhÄna
ghÄá¹­iyÄla prabodhi' dena sabÄre vÄsÄ-sthÄna

 Å›ivÄnanda-sena - ÅšivÄnanda Sena; kare - does; saba samÄdhÄna - all arrangements; ghÄá¹­iyÄla - the men in charge of levying taxes; prabodhi' - satisfying; dena - gives; sabÄre - to everyone; vÄsÄ-sthÄna - resting places.


As stated, ÅšivÄnanda Sena made all arrangements for the party’s necessities. In particular, he pacified the men in charge of levying taxes and found resting places for everyone.
