daivatÄni rudantÄ«va
svidyanti hy uccalanti ca
ime jana-padÄ grÄmÄḥ
bhraá¹£á¹a-Å›riyo nirÄnandÄḥ
kim aghaṠdarśayanti naḥ
daivatÄni - the Deities in the temples; rudanti - seem to be crying; iva - like that; svidyanti - perspiring; hi - certainly; uccalanti - as if going out; ca - also; ime - these; jana-padÄḥ - cities; grÄmÄḥ - villages; pura - towns; udyÄna - gardens; Äkara - mines; ÄÅ›ramÄḥ - hermitages, etc.; bhraá¹£á¹a - devoid of; Å›riyaḥ - beauty; nirÄnandÄḥ - bereft of all happiness; kim - what sort of; agham - calamities; darÅ›ayanti - shall manifest; naḥ - to us.