tripati ÄsiyÄ kaila Å›rÄ«-rÄma daraÅ›ana
raghunÄtha-Äge kaila praṇÄma stavana

 tripati ÄsiyÄ - coming to Tirupati; kaila Å›rÄ«-rÄma daraÅ›ana - visited the temple of RÄmacandra; raghunÄtha-Äge - before Lord RÄmacandra; kaila - did; praṇÄma - obeisances; stavana - offering prayers.


After arriving at Tirupati, Lord ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu visited the temple of Lord RÄmacandra. He offered His prayers and obeisances before RÄmacandra, the descendant of King Raghu.
