mÄgha-Å›ukla-paká¹£e prabhu karila sannyÄsa
phÄlgune ÄsiyÄ kaila nÄ«lÄcale vÄsa

 mÄgha-Å›ukla-paká¹£e - in the waxing fortnight of the month of MÄgha; prabhu - the Lord; karila - accepted; sannyÄsa - the renounced order of life; phÄlgune - in the next month, PhÄlguna; ÄsiyÄ - coming; kaila - did; nÄ«lÄcale - at JagannÄtha PurÄ«; vÄsa - residence.


ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu accepted the renounced order during the waxing fortnight of the month of MÄgha. During the following month, PhÄlguna, He went to JagannÄtha PurÄ« and resided there.
