ÄveÅ›e calilÄ prabhu jagannÄtha-mandire
jagannÄtha dekhi' preme ha-ilÄ asthire

 ÄveÅ›e - in ecstasy; calilÄ - went; prabhu - Lord ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; jagannÄtha-mandire - to the temple of JagannÄtha; jagannÄtha dekhi' - seeing the JagannÄtha Deity; preme - in ecstasy; ha-ilÄ - became; asthire - restless.


In ecstasy, ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu went from ĀṭhÄranÄlÄ to the temple of JagannÄtha. After seeing Lord JagannÄtha, He became very restless due to love of Godhead.
