eta Å›uni' gopÄ«nÄtha sabÄre lañÄ
sÄrvabhauma-ghare gelÄ haraá¹£ita hañÄ

 eta Å›uni' - hearing this; gopÄ«nÄtha - GopÄ«nÄtha Ä€cÄrya; sabÄre - all of them; laÃ±Ä - taking with him; sÄrvabhauma-ghare - to the house of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya; gelÄ - went; haraá¹£ita haÃ±Ä - becoming very pleased.


Hearing this and feeling very pleased, GopÄ«nÄtha Ä€cÄrya immediately took all the devotees with him and approached the house of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya.
