sei prasÄdÄnna-mÄlÄ añcale bÄndhiyÄ
bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄryera ghare ÄilÄ tvarÄyukta hañÄ

 sei prasÄda-anna - those remnants of food; mÄlÄ - and garlands; añcale - in the end of His cloth; bÄndhiyÄ - binding; bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄryera - of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya; ghare - to the house; ÄilÄ - went; tvarÄ-yukta - hasty; haÃ±Ä - being.


Carefully tying the prasÄdam and garlands in a cloth, Caitanya MahÄprabhu hastened to the house of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya.
