mÅ«rcchita haila, cetana nÄ haya Å›arÄ«re
sÄrvabhauma laÃ±Ä gelÄ ÄpanÄra ghare

 mÅ«rcchita - unconscious; haila - became; cetana - consciousness;  - not; haya - there is; Å›arÄ«re - in His body; sÄrvabhauma - SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya; laÃ±Ä - taking Him; gelÄ - went; ÄpanÄra - his own; ghare - to the home.


The people said that the sannyÄsÄ« had fallen unconscious upon seeing the Deity of Lord JagannÄtha. Because His consciousness did not return, SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya had taken Him to his home.
