dina daÅ›a rahi' rÅ«pa gauá¸e yÄtrÄ kaila
sanÄtana-rÅ«pera ei caritra kahila

 dina daÅ›a - about ten days; rahi' - remaining; rÅ«pa - RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ«; gauá¸e yÄtrÄ kaila - went back to Bengal; sanÄtana-rÅ«pera - of ÅšrÄ« SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ« and RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ«; ei - thus; caritra - character; kahila - I have described.


After staying in VÄrÄṇasÄ« for about ten days, RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ« returned to Bengal. In this way I have described the activities of RÅ«pa and SanÄtana.
