ethÄ gauá¸e sanÄtana Äche bandi-Å›Äle
Å›rÄ«-rÅ«pa-gosÄñīra patrÄ« Äila hena-kÄle

 ethÄ - here; gauá¸e - in Bengal; sanÄtana - SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«; Äche - was; bandi-Å›Äle - in prison; Å›rÄ«-rÅ«pa-gosÄñīra - of ÅšrÄ«la RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ«; patrÄ« - the letter; Äila - came; hena-kÄle - at that time.


While SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ« was imprisoned in Bengal, a letter arrived from ÅšrÄ«la RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ«.


ÅšrÄ«la Bhaktivinoda ṬhÄkura informs us that this letter from RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ« to SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ« is mentioned by the annotator of the Udbhaá¹­a-candrikÄ. ÅšrÄ«la RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ« wrote a note to SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ« from BÄklÄ. This note indicated that ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu was coming to MathurÄ, and it stated:

yadu-pateḥ kva gatÄ mathurÄ-purÄ«
 raghu-pateḥ kva gatottara-koÅ›alÄ
iti vicintya kuruá¹£va manaḥ sthiraá¹
 na sad idaá¹ jagad ity avadhÄraya

“Where has the MathurÄ-purÄ« of Yadupati gone? Where has the Northern KoÅ›alÄ of Raghupati gone? By reflection, make the mind steady, thinking, ‘This universe is not eternal.’ â€