daÅ›a-sahasra mudrÄ tathÄ Äche mudi-sthÄne
tÄhÄ diyÄ kara śīghra Ätma-vimocane

 daÅ›a-sahasra mudrÄ - ten thousand coins; tathÄ - there; Äche - there are; mudi-sthÄne - in the grocer's place; tÄhÄ diyÄ - with this amount; kara - get; Å›Ä«ghra - as soon as possible; Ätma-vimocane - release from the internment.


RÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ« further informed ÅšrÄ«la SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«: “I have left a deposit of ten thousand coins with the grocer. Use that money to get out of prison.
