sarva-upÄdhi-vinirmuktam - free from all kinds of material designations, or free from all desires except the desire to render service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; tat-paratvena - by the sole purpose of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nirmalam - uncontaminated by the effects of speculative philosophical research or fruitive activity; hṛṣīkeṇa - by purified senses freed from all designations; hṛṣīka-Ä«Å›a - of the master of the senses; sevanam - the service to satisfy the senses; bhaktiḥ - devotional service; ucyate - is called.
This verse quoted from the NÄrada-pañcarÄtra is found in the Bhakti-rasÄmá¹›ta-sindhu (1.1.12).