Å›uniyÄ grÄmera loka cintita ha-ila
prathame gopÄla laÃ±Ä gÄá¹…á¹­huli-grÄme khuila

 Å›uniyÄ - hearing; grÄmera loka - all the people in the village; cintita ha-ila - became very anxious; prathame - first; gopÄla laÃ±Ä - taking GopÄla; gÄá¹…á¹­huli-grÄme - in the village known as GÄá¹…á¹­huli; khuila - kept Him hidden.


Hearing this, all the villagers became very anxious. They first took GopÄla and moved Him to a village known as GÄá¹…á¹­huli.
