prabhu nÄ khÄile, keha nÄ kare bhojana
svarÅ«pa-gosÄñi tabe kaila nivedana

 prabhu - ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu; nÄ khÄile - without eating; keha - anyone;  - not; kare bhojana - accepts the prasÄdam; svarÅ«pa-gosÄñi - SvarÅ«pa DÄmodara GosvÄmÄ«; tabe - at that time; kaila nivedana - submitted.


But the devotees would not accept the prasÄdam until Caitanya MahÄprabhu took it. SvarÅ«pa GosvÄmÄ« informed the Lord of this.
