kuliyÄ-grÄme kaila devÄnandere prasÄda
gopÄla-viprere ká¹£amÄila Å›rÄ«vÄsÄparÄdha

 kuliyÄ-grÄme - in that village known as KuliyÄ-grÄma; kaila - showed; devÄnandere prasÄda - mercy to DevÄnanda Paṇá¸ita; gopÄla-viprere - and to the brÄhmaṇa known as GopÄla CÄpala; ká¹£amÄila - excused; Å›rÄ«vÄsa-aparÄdha - the offense to the lotus feet of ÅšrÄ«vÄsa ṬhÄkura.


The specific acts performed by ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu at this time were His showing favor to DevÄnanda Paṇá¸ita and excusing the brÄhmaṇa known as GopÄla CÄpala from the offense he had committed at the lotus feet of ÅšrÄ«vÄsa ṬhÄkura.
