nimittÄny atyariᚣášÄni
kÄle tv anugate nášášÄm
dášášŁášvovÄcÄnujaáš nášpaḼ
nimittÄni - causes; ati - very serious; ariᚣášÄni - bad omens; kÄle - in course of time; tu - but; anugate - passing away; nášášÄm - of humanity at large; lobha-Ädi - such as greed; adharma - irreligious; prakáštim - habits; dášášŁášvÄ - having observed; uvÄca - said; anujam - younger brother; nášpaḼ - the King.
Such a pious king as MahÄrÄja Yudhiᚣášhira at once became perturbed when there were such inhuman symptoms as greed, anger, irreligiosity and hypocrisy rampant in society. It appears from this statement that all these symptoms of degraded society were unknown to the people of the time, and it was astonishing for them to have experienced them with the advent of the Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel.