tÄhÄá¹… haite cali' Äge gelÄ eka grÄme
brÄhmaṇa-samÄja tÄhÄá¹…, karila viÅ›rÄme

 tÄhÄá¹… haite - from there; cali' - going; Äge - forward; gelÄ - went; eka - one; grÄme - to a village; brÄhmaṇa-samÄja - assembly of brÄhmaṇas; tÄhÄá¹… - there; karila viÅ›rÄme - He rested.


ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu then left Vá¹›ddhakÄśī and proceeded further. In one village He saw that most of the residents were brÄhmaṇas, and He took His rest there.
