'sÅ«ddÄ«pta-sÄttvika' bhÄva, hará¹£Ädi 'sañcÄrÄ«'
ei saba bhÄva-bhÅ«á¹£aṇa saba-aá¹…ge bhari'

 su-uddÄ«pta-sÄttvika bhÄva - blazing ecstasies of goodness; hará¹£a-Ädi - like jubilation; sañcÄrÄ« - the continuously existing ecstasies; ei saba - all these; bhÄva - ecstasies; bhÅ«á¹£aṇa - ornaments; saba - all; aá¹…ge - body; bhari' - filling.


“The ornaments decorating Her body are the blazing ecstasies of goodness and the constantly existing ecstasies, headed by jubilation. All these ecstasies are the ornaments all over Her body.
