ÄjñÄ-mÄlÄ pÄÃ±Ä hará¹£e namaskÄra kari'
Änande daká¹£iṇa-deÅ›e cale gaurahari

 ÄjñÄ-mÄlÄ - the garland of permission; pÄÃ±Ä - getting; hará¹£e - in great jubilation; namaskÄra - obeisances; kari' - offering; Änande - with great pleasure; daká¹£iṇa-deÅ›e - to South India; cale - goes; gaurahari - Lord ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu.


Thus receiving Lord JagannÄtha’s permission in the form of a garland, ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu offered obeisances, and then in great jubilation He prepared to depart for South India.
