gosÄñira sthÄne ÄcÄrya kaila Ägamana
bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄryera nÄme tÄá¹…re kaila nimantraṇa

 gosÄñira sthÄne - to the place where ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu was staying; ÄcÄrya - GopÄ«nÄtha Ä€cÄrya; kaila - did; Ägamana - coming; bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄryera nÄme - on behalf of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya; tÄá¹…re - unto Him; kaila - made; nimantraṇa - invitation.


According to the instructions of SÄrvabhauma Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya, GopÄ«nÄtha Ä€cÄrya went to ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu and invited Him on the Bhaá¹­á¹­ÄcÄrya’s behalf.
