mandira kariyÄ rÄjÄ sevÄ cÄlÄila
'sÄká¹£i-gopÄla' bali' tÄá¹…ra nÄma khyÄti haila

 mandira - a temple; kariyÄ - constructing; rÄjÄ - the King; sevÄ - service; cÄlÄila - regularly carried on; sÄká¹£i-gopÄla - by the name SÄká¹£i-gopÄla; bali' - known as; tÄá¹…ra - His; nÄma - name; khyÄti - celebrated; haila - was.


The King constructed a nice temple, and regular service was executed. GopÄla became very famous under the name of SÄká¹£i-gopÄla [the witness GopÄla].
