Å›ekhara, paramÄnanda, tapana, sanÄtana
cÄri-jana mili' kare nÄma-saá¹…kÄ«rtana

 Å›ekhara - CandraÅ›ekhara; paramÄnanda - ParamÄnanda PurÄ«; tapana - Tapana MiÅ›ra; sanÄtana - SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«; cÄri-jana mili' - all four of them; kare - perform; nÄma-saá¹…kÄ«rtana - chanting of the Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra.


There were four people accompanying ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu, and these were CandraÅ›ekhara, ParamÄnanda PurÄ«, Tapana MiÅ›ra and SanÄtana GosvÄmÄ«. They were all chanting the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahÄ-mantra in the following way.
