ca-Å›abde 'anvÄcaye' artha kahe Ära
'baá¹­o, bhiká¹£Äm aá¹­a, gÄá¹ cÄnaya' yaiche prakÄra

 ca-Å›abde - by the word ca; anvÄcaye - in presenting an action of secondary importance; artha - meaning; kahe - says; Ära - another; baá¹­o - O brahmacÄrÄ«; bhiká¹£Äm aá¹­a - just bring some alms; gÄm ca Änaya - also, at the same time, bring the cows; yaiche prakÄra - in this way.


“The word ‘ca’ can also present a secondary thing to be done at the same time. This way of understanding the word ‘ca’ is called anvÄcaye. An example is ‘O brahmacÄrÄ«, go out to collect alms and at the same time bring in the cows.’
