rucibhiś citta-masṛṇya-
ká¹›d asau bhÄva ucyate

 Å›uddha-sattva - by unadulterated goodness; viÅ›eá¹£a - distinguished; ÄtmÄ - whose nature; prema - of love of God; sÅ«rya - like the sun; amÅ›u - a ray; sÄmya-bhÄk - which is similar to; rucibhiḥ - by different tastes; citta - of the heart; masṛṇya - softness; ká¹›t - which causes; asau - that softness; bhÄvaḥ - emotion; ucyate - is called.


“ ‘When devotional service is executed on the transcendental platform of pure goodness, it is like a sun-ray of love for Kṛṣṇa. At such a time, devotional service causes the heart to be softened by various tastes, and one is then situated in bhÄva [emotion].’


This verse is found in the Bhakti-rasÄmá¹›ta-sindhu (1.3.1).