Äsi' jagannÄthera kaila cÅ«á¸Ä daraÅ›ana
prabhura ÄvÄse ÄilÄ karite bhojana

 Äsi' - coming back; jagannÄthera - of Lord JagannÄtha; kaila - did; cÅ«á¸Ä daraÅ›ana - looking at the top of the temple; prabhura - of Lord Caitanya MahÄprabhu; ÄvÄse - at the residence; ÄilÄ - came; karite bhojana - to take their luncheon.


After bathing in the sea, Advaita Prabhu and all the other devotees returned, and on their return they saw the top of the JagannÄtha temple. They then went to the residence of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu to take their luncheon.
