caitanya-lÄ«lÄra vyÄsa — dÄsa vá¹›ndÄvana
tÄá¹…ra ÄjñÄya karoá¹… tÄá¹…ra ucchiṣṭa carvaṇa

 caitanya-lÄ«lÄra vyÄsa - the VyÄsadeva, or compiler of the pastimes, of Lord Caitanya MahÄprabhu; dÄsa vá¹›ndÄvana - Vá¹›ndÄvana dÄsa ṬhÄkura; tÄá¹…ra - of him; ÄjñÄya - upon the order; karoá¹… - I do; tÄá¹…ra - his; ucchiṣṭa - of the remnants of food; carvaṇa - chewing.


Actually the authorized compiler of the pastimes of ÅšrÄ« Caitanya MahÄprabhu is ÅšrÄ«la Vá¹›ndÄvana dÄsa, the incarnation of VyÄsadeva. Only upon his orders am I trying to chew the remnants of food that he has left.
