How to add new content to the Gitabase Reader in 7 easy steps

To easily create one's own compilations of the vedic literatures in different languages, one should install "Gitabase Editor".
Gitabase Editor is an application written using IBM Lotus Notes Designer.
IBM Lotus Notes Designer is available for FREE download on IBM website for registered users.

Gitabase Editor
Gitabase Editor

1. Download IBM Lotus Notes Designer. Here is a link for download without registration to save your time.

2. Install IBM Lotus Notes Designer. Press here to get instructions on installation process.

3. Download Gitabase Editor here

4. Unzip Gitabase Editor into gitabase_editor.nsf. Double click on it to open it up in Lotus Notes.

5. Create new books, chapters and texts. Click here to see screenshots of the Gitabase Editor with comments.

6. Export your compilation to the Android SQLite format by saving the .db file to your local hard disk. Copy it to your mobile device to preview and create database index to make it searchable.

7. Add your zipped .db file to Gitabase's central distribution server using this page

Please watch 10 minute video on how to do all these 7 steps (link here) - to be done in future

Please contact me using main menu on the Library screen in the Android Gitabase Reader App if you have any troubles following this guide