aṇá¸a-madhya-gataḥ sÅ«ryo
dyÄv-ÄbhÅ«myor yad antaram
sÅ«ryÄṇá¸a-golayor madhye
koá¹yaḥ syuḥ pañca-vimÅ›atiḥ
aṇá¸a-madhya-gataḥ - situated in the center of the universe; sÅ«ryaḥ - the sun globe; dyÄv-ÄbhÅ«myoḥ - the two planetary systems BhÅ«rloka and Bhuvarloka; yat - which; antaram - in between; sÅ«rya - of the sun; aṇá¸a-golayoḥ - and the globe of the universe; madhye - in the middle; koá¹yaḥ - groups of ten million; syuḥ - are; pañca-vimÅ›atiḥ - twenty-five.
The word koá¹i means ten million, and a yojana is eight miles. The diameter of the universe is fifty koá¹i yojanas (four billion miles). Therefore, since the sun is in the middle of the universe, the distance between the sun and the edge of the universe is calculated to be twenty-five koá¹i yojanas (two billion miles).